Why Join The FOP
So what do our members receive when they join?
If you are a full-time law enforcement officer or a retired officer and share the concerns of fellow officers, the Fraternal Order of Police gives you an opportunity to unite and make your voice heard. Ultimately, this partnership aids in improving our profession through collective bargaining, legislation, training and unity.
At the National level
FOP Journal: The National FOP Journal includes a wide range of law enforcement articles, FOP reports, legislative news, and new products and services.
Amicus Curiae Briefs: Friend of the court briefs in important cases for law enforcement.
Legislative Support: The FOP coordinates legislative activities, providing its membership with a full-time lobbyist on Capitol Hill.
Center for Criminal Justice Studies: The official research organization, providing research studies, surveys of members and a free information service.
Seminars and Workshops
Labor Relations Committee
Data Research/FOPnet System
Insurance Benefits
At the State level
The Florida State Lodge Labor Council Committee provides collective bargaining, legal defense and disciplinary representation for those members who request representation. Full representation with legal defense is $30.00 per month. Our Staff and Attorneys are well trained to represent our members.
Each year the Florida State Lodge provides over $18,000.00 in scholarships to members' dependent children and a $2,500.00 scholarship for a recipient to attend a police academy.
From the National Lodge, dependents of an Officer killed in the line of duty are eligible for the FOP’s Steve Young Scholarship program.
The Florida State Lodge provides a $1,000.00 Survivor Benefit to the family of a member officer killed in the line of duty. And, our “And Justice for All” reward program provides a $10,000.00 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any suspect who murders a police officer in Florida.
Our Memorial Committee has hosted the Florida Law Enforcement Officer Memorial for 30 years in Tallahassee at the FOP Memorial Monument at the Florida Capitol with the families of our fallen heroes.
The State Legislative Committee is working on the concerns of Florida Law Enforcement Officers in the Legislature and keeps the membership informed.
The Florida State Lodge Training Committee and Labor Council work together to bring relevant and current training to officers across the state. Our popular “Officer Involved Shooting” class has trained over 2500 officers in critical incidents.
Our Disaster Response Teams are placed around the state with trained volunteers and equipment to respond to disasters.
The State Office located at 242 Office Plaza in Tallahassee is just a few blocks from the State Capitol Building. Our staff is eager and ready to assist. We can be reached by our toll free number 1-800-873-3671.
Members are kept up-to-date with our member’s website and mobile app
Members are updated on legislation and urged to participate in the process through communication with Florida Legislators.
We support charities in our communities such as Easter Seals, Special Olympics Torch Run, FOP Cops and Kids program in addition to many special community projects funded and provided by local lodges. Our members work together to help each other in times of need. We are “cops working for cops”
What makes it work?
Local Lodges are in control! The FOP is a member-driven organization. That’s the difference! Other organizations are controlled by a few individuals from the National Level or State Level, which hand out directives. The FOP is governed by its members.
Our strength is in our numbers!
Join today or start a new lodge by calling us at 1-800-873-3671
Our strength is in our numbers!
Join today or start a new lodge by calling us at 1-800-873-3671
The Fraternal Order of Police “Building on a Proud Tradition”